We Are Sent

In our third year as a church plant, Cornerstone Church has now had the privilege of partnering with Missionary Choi and Missionary Yang for the second year in a row and continue to build upon the relationship with them that our founding pastor had fostered for over 15 years since his previous ministry. Having gone last year, this time, I was even more ready to soak in every moment of our time there and my heart was constantly stirred with joy reconnecting with the missionaries and seminarians and getting to know a new first year class. 

Remembering the Call

Unlike last year however, I went this time with the additional burden of being the team leader and it was in many ways deeply reminiscent of my initial call to ministry back in the summer of 2007 on another short term missions trip I led to Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Some might think I became a pastor because I was good at it. That my personality and giftings were inclined towards ministry. But in reality, when I first aspired to serve in full-time ministry and received a deep conviction to be a pastor, it was when I was utterly humbled and felt hopelessly inadequate for the task at hand. It was during the three weeks in Kazakhstan that I spent each night on my knees in tears asking the Lord to help me be a good leader for the team, desperately afraid of failure and the unknown. Fast forward 16 years to Tanzania, and I am still utterly humbled and feel hopelessly inadequate for the task at hand. But the difference I experienced was the peace I had that came from knowing the goodness and faithfulness and power of God through each step of faith, trust, obedience and surrender.

We Are Sent

Rather than write about everything we did this year, please take a moment to watch the video below which one of our talented team members created that really highlights our time in Tanzania this year and learn a little bit more about the story of Missionary Choi and Missionary Yang.

On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

John 20:19-21

As Christians, we are ones who are sent. Please continue to pray for the advancement of the Gospel in Tanzania through the ministry of Morogoro Bible College and Missionary Choi and Missionary Yang as they continue to raise up pastors who will go back to their homes and plant churches and reach the unreached peoples of Tanzania.

Thank you for your partnership and prayer!


Stewarding God’s Mission